fivestones church

The Power of a Decree

fivestones church
Have you ever stopped to think about how the words you speak effect your future? In this message, Pastor Ryan Smith explains that the words you decree generates movement in your life.
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Five Stones Church, thanks you for listening to this message from Pastor Ryan Smith. For more information, events and the latest news, consider connecting with us on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Together we can awaken a generation.

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Reach down, grab your bibles if you can. I hope you ready. Just remain standing if you don't mind. Glory to God. Somebody been praying. Take your bibles and turn with me to John's Gospel. Turn me to John's Gospel, the 19th chapter. Want to read one verse of Scripture today and then we'll speak to you on the power of a decree. I'm going to speak to you on the power of a decree. John's Gospel, the 19th chapter. If you don't have a Bible, we're going to put it on the screen. I believe here in just a moment, just one verse of scripture, probably one of the most significant versus a scripture to be released. Only problem was it was released in one of the greatest events of human history, the 19th chapter of John, verse 30. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, when he had received the vinegar, when he had received something to quench his thirst, because he was thirsty, Bible said, he said it is finished and bowing his head. He gave up his spirit. Help me understand what just transpired.

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So when Jesus had received the sour wine vinegar, he said, it is finished,

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bowed his head, and gave his life. That's calvary. That's the cross. The most significant of events in human history, the cross. I know you think the most significant might've been your birth, but it's not.

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I know the most significant for some of you who is your anniversary when you fell in love and got married, but that's not it.

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The most transformative, unprecedented release of love. What's on calvary's Hill when the only begotten son of God hung between heaven and earth,

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nails had penetrated his hands and his feet,

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his forehead bloodied with a crown of thorns.

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His body beaten beyond recognition by the executioners as they released 39 stripes on his back. For our healing

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can probably one of the most significant statements to ever be uttered from the lips of Christ. He says, it is finished. It is finished. It is finished. Comes from a translation of legal accounting. What does that mean, pastor? That means when you said it was finished,

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he said, old debts, oh, that's presently and in the future, all debts that have been incurred, all debts that will be incurred in future generations have been paid satisfactory. They are completed and paid in full. Say, why do you dance? And why do you shout? Because the debt that I owed for the sin of my life, for my flashlights, ambitions to do what my flesh wanted to do has been paid for by the redemptive plan of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

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Father, over the next few moments I ask you to speak to us in a way that lets us understand the power of a decree. Bless those that are setting around us. I bind every hindrance, every nuisance, every distraction. Today's word is way too vital and paramount for foolishness of fault or casualness of moment. I pray today that you will rest eveland the most distracting and that you will assign them to a place of sobriety and consciousness that you might speak to the depth of their spirit. Those who fall under the power of conviction today I pray they realize the cross is still the powerful atonement of God Almighty for the Sin of humanity and that they will find that the altar before them. It's not for religious practice, but it is for the homecoming of those who had been a strained because they are about to be adopted into the family of a living God, and I pray your conviction be so thick in this house that if there'd be one out of alignment

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with you, they will find alignment with you and those that need to know how to access and realize the power of a decree that they'll receive it today for your glory, for your honor and your praise. In Jesus' name, Amen. Give somebody a high five and say, get ready. Oh Ha, ha ha. Give somebody power five and tell them, get ready, get ready. Get ready to come home and get ready. The power of a decree. I hope you'll ready, man. I got a word is just busted my spirit. I thank God when I get these moments because we don't get these moments, man, you just hard to contain me. I'm like a wild line on a leash. I may run for a preach. Might just do it just to make some of you irritated. Pastor, y'all not act like that. Well honey, this ain't a cemetery and furthermore, it's not a library so you don't have to be quiet in here and furthermore, it's not a museum where you can use us. We in trouble today. I'm telling you the power of a decree, because see, when Jesus uttered these words, it is finished. It came at great cost

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for him to say it was finished. It came at great cost because it cost him what? His life. He didn't. He didn't just say, well, I might give it up. He willfully released his name

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life because he saw value in your life and my life. He didn't die because I was valuable. He died because he released value to me because I didn't have value aside from him. I had nothing to offer him except my transgressions. Okay.

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My sin, so the decree that he makes it is finished. I think we need to understand because if I don't understand it's finished, I won't understand the benefit of it and I don't think we truly understand what decreeing meets because we used the term so lightly in church, what I decree a thing, but I don't think we understand what we're doing when we say we decree a thing, are we declare a thing or we proclaim a thing because when the Bible says Jesus says it is finished, he isn't releasing a legal authority, a proclamation. This says, this is the final determination. When he says it is finished, you said it's a non negotiable. When he says it's finished, this is the ordinance. This is the covenant. This is the establishment of the definition. When I say it's done, it's done. Now the Bible teaches us in proverbs 22, 28, this says that you shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you. That's job 22, 28 says, we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. Now, think about that. He has given us authority to decree or proclaim something that is definite. There is established. Now I have a hard time believing that he has given me the authority to exercise a declaration when I feel so one word, how many's ever decreed or declared? I am healed. We'll walk over your fall relative to decrease something. Sure. Well, I heard it in church so it seemed to make sense, so I decreed, healing over my sickness or I decreed joy over my soul row where I decree piece over my turmoil or I decree prosperity over my poverty. Most of you have, you've ever been in church? You make those kinds of declarations, don't you? Some of you in this room today and you've never made that declaration, you're thinking, that seems pretty smart. I'm going to start declaring the opposite of what I'm facing. Well, that makes sense. However, if you don't understand the legal authority of it, it's nothing more than a Cliche, right? Because the validity or the power of an action cannot be based on your flash. The validity and the power of that action has to be substantiated by something greater than you. Because if you could reverse things on your own, you wouldn't need him. If you could have found sobriety on your own, you wouldn't need him. If you're going to found joy on your own or piece on your own or tranquility on your own or salvation on your own, you would have found it. I looked everywhere for happiness. All I found was a hangover. I looked for something to comfort me and all I found was was volatile. Vomiting. Okay? Some of you don't remember what it was like when we were trying to cope, when we were trying to fit in, when we were trying to feel value, when we were trying to fill that huge vacuum in our spirit and we did everything and did everything in order to fill that vacuum, but it couldn't be filled with carnal decrease. But when Jesus said it is finished, it release something because a decree always released this movement. No, listen to me.

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a decree always creates our releases, a movement. I'm going to show you something that I hope brings understanding of revelation or enlightenment to your life because I don't think you understand. Proverbs 18, 21 is truly factual, which means power of life and death is in the tongue. What you say is incredibly valuable and the fact that some of you under watch you ought to, you ought to be absolutely incarcerated for the kind of speech that you released as a believer, and we need to come to a conscious understanding that the things that we say carry white because had power of life and death is in the tongue. Then he saying is you can decree a thing, creative thing and create movement that you're not going to want. Gosh, it can work both positively. Come on somebody or negatively. Now, let me show you something out of scripture. You don't have time to go there and I don't have time to take you there so you're gonna have to trust. I know what I'm doing. You've got to trust them. I spent some time in study today and I am loaded. Okay, I got more information than we've got time to comprehend. Okay, so walk this out with me as quickly as we can. Let's talk about a decree that creates movement. Now, when Jesus made his decree, how many believe it released movement? How do I know it released movement? Because he was saying to the father, everything you've asked me to do, I've completed. So when Jesus decreed, it is finished, it released movement. Where in heaven see most thought that they had killed him at the cross, but what? They didn't know what his decree that it is finished. What's not the big. It was just the beginning because his degree was what looks like it's dead. It's really producing life. So let me walk us up in genesis chapter one. When God creates the Bible says God spoke or God sad, and then it was right in genesis one. God said, let there be light and it was coming. There was no one there for him to have a conversation with. Do you understand? He was not having a conversation to have a conversation. He was speaking because you can't declare anything without a voice. Declarations are not mental aptitude. Declarations are verbal, they're articulated well. I hope you got your spiritual thinking cap on today because you've got to walk this out. So God said, let there be. And there was so god spoke when there was no one around to listen because he wasn't having a conversation. He was being creative because when he spoke, it became why? Because the decree always releases movement. So when he said, let there be light, guess what? Appeared light. When he separated the light from darkness, he did that and he put stars in sky and he said, let

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it be. And it was why? Because a decree of spoken, articulate and word will release movement without negotiation.

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The scars and the stars and the moon and the water and the land never argued with God because he has to. Cori was the final authority. What's amazing to me is God makes the decree. Let there be light, let there be. Let there be all these things and he lays it out and every time he got done he was stepped back and he prays himself and go him a bad God.

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Why? Because he said, this is good. Hey, decree a thing, and then say this is good. He decree a thing and say, this is good. Why? Because decrease our movements. When you decree a thing, it's set something in motion, but if you want to put the book in on it, you're going to have to praise him on the back end because what you said is what you said is on its way. See a lot of you want to decrease it to create the motion, but you don't want to put the book in on it, which is to praise him for what he's shit. God showed us how to do it. He said, if you decree it, then you're gonna. Have to get on the back end and thank me for

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God speaks. It is, and then he praises him

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self because there was no one else to praise him. I said, this is good. That shows me the power of movement shows me that when there's a decree released from heaven, it will be manifested in the natural so people have a hard time understanding how things are manifested in the natural world. But she, Jesus taught us in Matthew six, our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy kingdom come, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in. So it's always been his intention that wasn't heaven should be manifested on the earth. Am I right? By kingdom come, thy will be done. The will be released. How's it going to be released? If somebody doesn't decree it,

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how's it going to be released? There's somebody. Don't decree it, speak it and put it in motion. How can the kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven? If somebody doesn't release it on the earth, it's never been a problem of heaven releasing it. The problem is there's never been anybody to decree it, to give it a voice of movement.

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Are you here?

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Can I mess with you? What are you going to do with these? When God shows him a valley, a valley of dry bones, and he says, can bones live? And he's equally as large. You only know what. Well, I want to say to him, he said, prophesied to the dry bones is equal because that's crazy. These are dry bones. There's no possible life and death, and God said, if you decree it, oh, honor it, and I'll release something from an unseen world into the world of the impossible cost watch drive to come back to life. That's the power of the creek because I decree releases. Movement. Read is Eco. The Bible says the bone start rattling.

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Then they formed together and you say, well pastor, that doesn't mean anything. It does. If your family is the dry bones,

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oh y'all don't listen to me now because if your family is the valley of dry bones, you're like, pastor, teach me something because I don't want my family doomed in Brighton. Joel said it like this. He said, let the weak say, oh, so you've heard that Joel prophesied. Let the weak say he didn't deny your week. He said, decree your strong out of your weakness

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so pastor don't understand what you're teaching me. I'm teaching you the power of a decree releases movement. If you like what you got, you become way too comfortable because Jesus said it like this in Matthew's Gospel, he said, whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed doubt in his heart, but believe whatsoever

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he say, if he shall have Jesus said, whosoever say us to a mountain. What's he saying? He's saying to me, if I will decree it will release a creative movement. I guess the thing that's unmovable,

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nobody's got any mountains. Nobody's got any dry bones. Nobody's got weaknesses. They're tired of. So I'm one of those seven says, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. So I'm 47 says, clap your hands, all your people and then shout unto God with a voice of trial. You know what bugs me the most is folks. Assume church is, is quiet out of respect. I'm going to submit to you. The church is quiet because of ignorance.

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Huh? We're quiet and we're not. It's not respect because I grew up in a quiet church. I grew up. If you hiccup, somebody thought something was wrong. I grew up in a KIPP. Sneezed everybody in the went, God forbid you didn't have a good breakfast before you go to church because somebody on row three could hear your belly roll, right, so we have assumed that quiet is respect. It's referenced to be quiet. This was not a library, not a cemetery, not a mausoleum, not a monument. This is a house of interactive dialogue under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and if you hear something, you ought to start responding because he becomes the release of the move and the creative function of God, your decree in my decree coming alignment. That's why I am a participation preacher because I, because I believe in the power of a decree, I decree you except you decree and if to agree, if amy to agree touching any one thing,

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so you've been in church his whole time. Just say, well, pastor, I just didn't think it was right to respond just because the enemy has absolutely saturated us with silence. I believe there's a time for solemn assembly. I get it. I understand. Solemn Assembly, there's a time for a hush in the presence of God. I get it, but if I'm releasing under an anointing of the apple, stalling a word into your spirit, some of you don't even understand what I'm saying to you today because I'm not speaking to you from a realm of natural. I'm speaking you from an apostolic anointing. You say, well, that don't make no sense because I'm releasing to you something that'll set a structure in place. It's not a sermon problem with the American churches were. We're accustomed to sermons. We've been sermonized so much that we don't even hear that depth. What's being propagated and preached to us. We've been. We've been so saturated with millimeters. That's why I believe God is speaking in a different voice to shatter the predictability of the church because we have become so accustomed and so saturated with hearing the same thing and then applauding over the same stuff that it hasn't changed us.

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how many has ever said, I'm the head not to tell you

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I'm the head not the tail. I'm above and not beneath how many has ever said, I'm coming out. How many has ever said, this is over. I'm finished with low living. I'm finished with mundane,

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how many has ever said I made up my mind and you said with your mouth where I was, I'm not going back. What I've done. I'm not doing no more the way I believe. I'm not going to believe no more. My virtues, my values, my victory has all transformed and changed. I'm saying I'm the brokest I've ever been in my life. Barely. Y'All didn't hear that. I am the brokest I've ever been in my life.

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Okay. There ain't nobody in here.

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Well, come up here for prayer, asking God to bless your finances until you decree. Today's the last day. I'm as broke as I've ever been.

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In truth of the matter is some of you need to start decreeing some stuff over your life speaking over your life so you will change your spending habits so you're not broke. Oh No, I don't want to go there because that'll get me a whole lot of trouble. Understand this. A decree creates movement. When Jesus decreed, it was finished, it created movement from the father,

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When Jesus decreed, it is finished. He said, at this great cost, these great words that I released, I am signing the debt off. It's over. So He's decree, I'm finished with it. It's a finished thing, so the father begins to work now because whatever was due, it's no longer do for the rest of humanity. If they will acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior. Guess what? The death of Christ 2000 years ago still pays the debt. That's why I believe the next coming generation is not the doom generation. Did you hear me? You say, well, pastor, you don't know what my kids and grandkids are growing up on. Hey, my grandkids are gonna. Grow up in it too, but I'm going to tell you something. The grace of the calvary is greater than the sin of humanity. The Cross doesn't become nullified because of gross sin. That's why I'm doing this coming generation, the down and out generation. They're not the forgotten generation. There's a generation of Russian, the power of the cross and except it's finished. Well, you can decree what you want. I'm going to decree that the power of the Cross has the ability to change a generation. You can judge me if you want. A decree creates movement. That's why I'm Korean law. Give us the city. Well, I got three people that want the city. The rest of you need to find somewhere else to go to church because I'm going to. You can go to the first church of the sanctified and the satisfied. I'm going to find the first church set on fire and I'm going to find somebody who will speak into a gross darkness and declare the light of the world is coming. I want somebody to decrease into the world of hopelessness and say, hope is on the way. I'm looking at somebody who rally around an old fashioned cross and say, it's not at a date. It's not artifacture is the truth.

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Alright, let me. I gotta hurry up. Hurry. Here's the power of a decree as it relates to movement. Notice this in Luke chapter two. The Bible says, can I preach a while? I'll work over here. Y'All don't want to talk to me. Can't breach a wall. See what happens, listen to it. Luke chapter two. The Bible says that Caesar releases a decree. Luke chapter two, he releases a decree that all the world, all those under his influence and under his regime must pay a tax. Luke chapter two, he makes a decree that everyone under his under his regime must pay a tax that creates what? Movement. Because people must go to where their origin was to pay their tax. Second Movement. What's it doesn't only move people. It moved money because they had to come pay tax. You can pay tax without money.

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Are you here? So Caesar makes a decree which creates movement of money and people to have the people that created movement in which Joseph and Mary, because Joseph had to go pay his taxes because he was under Caesar, so he had to go back to his origin to pay his tax. But the problem was how many know you don't move a pregnant woman, not that close to birth.

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But when there's a decree, which is a proclamation or a finished declaration, you've got to obey the decree. So that means Joseph had to put Mary on some kind of animal and move her from where she was to Bethlehem. Why? Because the decree releases movement and the movement was people and money. Here comes Joseph. Here comes Mary.

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They come into Bethlehem. Why? Because there was a decree to pay a tax, but see what it didn't understand what he was used to release a decree that put movement on Mary and Joseph that fulfill prophetic destiny. Because Mary had to be in Bethlehem in order to give birth to Christ. So it was a decree that move Mary and Joseph. Because when she got to Bethlehem, she went into labor and gave birth to Jesus Christ in the place it was prophesied. What? Cause somebody released a decree after decree created movement.

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I guess it was just an accident. No, it was right place right time because they do. Cre Creates. Has Chapter Five. Bible says, King Cyrus releases a decree to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem because it had been ruined. So in Ezra chapter five, cyrus releases a decree to rebuild the temple. When he ushers and releases articulates the decree, guess what moves? A spirit of generosity is released because money begins to come in toward the rebuilding of the temple and a spirit of volunteerism begins to become released because people began to rally around the vision of the decree, and so what begins to happen in Ezra chapter five is they begin to rebuild the temple. How did they begin to rebuild the temple? Because somebody made a decree and the decree be creative movement and the movement was financed and the movement was volunteerism. I got news for you right now. If we don't make a decree in this house that we're going to rebuild what God has.

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If we don't make a decree, that cop's going to rebuild something in this community. We'll never have the money to preach the Gospel and we'll never have the spirit of volunteerism to establish it. We need somebody to decree, not raise up something in this community that shakes the foundation of darkness and raise up the temple of the most high. If we don't get credit, there's no movement because the power of Penn has dominated the culture. Nice to have you right now under the sound of my voice are living beneath your privilege. You pray half as much as you should. You study little and you say, well, I want more from God, and God says, you've given me nothing.

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Church struggles to have volunteers. Five stone struggles to have volunteers, not because we don't have gifted or equipped or empowered people. It's because you say, well, I'm not good enough and I'm not valuable enough because you don't understand the decree that said it is finished, has qualified you,

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qualified you for service. I'm making a decree right now. I decree in this House that there's a generosity come and there's a release of finance coming and there's a release of the spirit of the volunteer coming into the five stones ministry than we can do more than we've ever done and I decree it to be established in the name of Jesus Christ. If they don't get you moving, I don't know what's going to move you

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a decrease of create movement. Maybe the reason the church has been so plateaued and so satisfied with celebrating around our past revivals is because we don't have any prophetic can have pasta apostolic anointing to release a decree into the new land, because see, Nehemiah walked up on ruins and decreed these words. We will re build the wall.

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Nehemiah declared we'll rebuild the walls. When he released the decree, guess what happened? There was a spirit of volunteerism. There was a spirit of uncertain. There was a spirit of passion, there was a desire, and the Bible said, people begin to rebuild the wall outside of their house. Do you know that wall is still standing today that they're still praying at that Walton pay? Why? Because somebody decreed it. Somebody created it and it released movement.

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Fifty two days, they rebuild a wall in the midst of opposition and threats because the power of a decree creates movement. Second, can I go? Second Chronicles, the 20th chapter, the Bible says, King has a keyer releases a decree, and he releases the decree that the nation must repent and restore the old Passover because idolatry and the false cords had infiltrated the land to the point that has accosted. We got to do something so he makes a decree were going to repent and we're going to restore the Passover where we celebrate the death angel passing over. Are you here? When he

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others that decree, it began to shake the fiber and the foundation of a nation and the Bible says that the people of God begin to come back to repentance. They begin to tear down their false idols. They begin to tear down the things that they were worshiping and there was a national shaking in a revival in the land. Maybe the reason America is in the condition, it's here, it's not because of legislation, not because of senators are politicians, but maybe it's because the church hasn't called our nation back for repentance and called our nation to tear down this aisle. Maybe we need to make a decree that all did this last repair and that the idols of America come tumbling down.

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Am I over your head? So what past are wanting to go to church and feel better? Learn the power of a decree. When Hezekiah decreed movement released the grace of God, when Nehemiah released a decree, it rebuilt what was ruined. Every time you find somebody decreeing speaking, proclaiming his starts moving something, I wonder what you need to move in your life. I wonder what you need to move in your life. You say, well, I'm not A. I'm not a king. I'm not a prophet. Good. I got something for you. And Esther, the eighth chapter of the Bible says, Mordecai. He's not king. Mordecai makes a decree. He makes a decree of the Jews. And here's what he said. He said, it's time for us to stand up. It's time for us to fight. It's time for us to overthrow the enemy. And the Bible says, Mordecai releases a decree to the Jews and says, come on, let's get our fight back. Let's get our passion back. Let's overthrow everything that the adversary has planned, and so once he releases that decree and it gets into the spirit of the soldier, there's something that rises up on the inside of them. I wonder how long you've let the enemy beat you down.

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Wonder how long you've let the adversary torment you. Aren't you about ready to hear a decree that moves you to say, I'm ready for the overthrow. I'm ready to turn the tables on it. I'm ready to reverse it. I'm ready to challenge it. I'm ready to fight with victory.

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Right? Take your bibles please. Real quick. I gotta I gotTa. Wrap this up. You all right. What is a decree? A decree creates movement. Am I alright? Decree is a final determination. It's a proclamation. It's an ordinance. It's a covenant. It's constitutional. Take your bibles and turn to Romans eight for just a moment. Second thing I need to teach you real quickly is a decree creates a right posture and a right perspective. When you understand it is finished in order to create a right posture and the right perspective in your life. When you understand Jesus decreed, it's finished, you ought to have the right posture, the right stance in your life. It's finished for you. Why should you walk around with your head down? Are you here

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if it is finished? If he decreed, it's finished,

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then my posture, my position, my stance should be different because I'm not walking around trying to be accepted. I'm walking around because I have been accepted. I have been adopted into the family. See the decree. It is finished, opened up a new world of authority and posture in perspective for me. See a perspective as a change of view. Do you understand that I'm going to. When you lived in the world before you acknowledged crushed, you had a perspective of how you believe life work. Let me find out. When you gave your life to Christ and made him the lord of your life,

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your perspective changed. The things that used to matter to you didn't matter anymore, the things you used to do and used to go to find satisfaction in no longer satisfied you. Am I right about it? The truth of the matter is, if what you used to run from now you've run back to I will challenge you, your perspective has been diminished. Your posture has been compromised because your flesh is looking for the longing, the feeling, the emotion, because your flesh speech to be stimulated. Your spirit says, I'm satisfied, but you'll flesh says, I need more.

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Oh, it's quiet in here. God forbid if I get out of line and getting your business. See, our problem is posture and perspective is based on dimensional views. Can I talk to you? Can we just talk? Don't have to scream and Holler, right? I can't help it. A lot of times it just flows, but listen to me posture and perspective of your life, posture, stance, position, perspective, view, how you see life so often.

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Is One dimension just based on what I see now because we live in a world that is sensory, right? God created. You have five centers. Let me ask a question. Do you feel that

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Oh, so he can hear. You can smell things. See, he has a sensory environment, right? Most of us live posture perspective based on the dimension of what we sent, what we feel, what we see, what we taste, what's our environment. We live one dimension, right? So if everything goes well, you're happy. If God forbid the wheels fall off your bus tomorrow,

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right? Because you live one dimension, your posture and your perspective shifts. I'm talking to you when things don't go like you want them to go. What happens? Your posture, your stance, your belief, your conviction shifts, your perspective shifts because you're accustomed to living one dimension. Okay? Watch this. When Jesus said it is finished, he wasn't talking one dimension, he was decreeing. It's finished in multiple dimensions. He wasn't just talking about my natural dimension because when he said it's finished, he paid the debt for eternity. How many know that's not this dimension? Yeah, y'all don't get it to you. When he decreased, it's finished. He's not just speaking. Things are going to be better here. Yes, it's better here, but that's only one dimension. You've got to be able to understand the decree of Christ is dimensional movement. Please listen to what I'm teaching because a lot of times you pray, but you pray one dimensional, you brave, you pray based on your senses, you based based on your natural circumstance or situation and you failed to understand he is finished it in multiple dimensions. Can I mess with you, Romans eight where I told you to go, right? Can I have a few moments and then we're gonna make some decrease. Is that all right? I'm going to make some decrees. I don't know whether you want to make them or not. That's your business. I'm making. I'm making them. Huh? I'm going to set some movement in this time so I'm going to be movement in my life. Romans eight, verse 11, but if the spirit of him who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your body through his spirit who dwells in you. When he decreed is finished, it became a more tight dimensional release. I'm saved. I'm saved. The same spirit that raised Christ dwells in me. If it raised Christ from the dead, then my body is alive, my spirit's alive. That's more tight dimensional, so I'm living on when I am right now, an inheritant of heaven. I'm living in one dimension, but my name, my residence is in the other two. May Be living here now, but I'm not going to let what goes on here dictate how I feel about where I'm going because I am. I have a decree of movement over my life. I'm living here now. I'm not just living here. Now. I'm just passing through here. Now. Bible calls me a sojourner. I'm a journey here. I'm just through

Speaker 2:

notice. Verse 14. Now I'm going to mess with you. Can I mess with you? I'm going to let the word mess with you, but listen for as many as are led by the spirit of God. These are the things of God. For as many as are led by the spirit. These are the sons of God. For if you did not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you receive what? The spirit of adoption by whom we cry, Abba, father, the spirit himself. That's why you said it is finished.

Speaker 6:

The spirit bears himself, bears witness with our spirit that we are the what? The children of God, and if the children then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ and indeed we suffer with him, but we may also be glorified.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand what that says? He said, it's finished. He decreed. It is finished. When he decreed it is finished and I accept that, that he is released to me through the cross dash what I become, I become a son of God. You become a daughter of God, a child of God. Can I miss with you a moment when Jesus taught the disciples to pray in Matthew six and verse nine, this is what he said. He said, our father, he didn't say my father. He said, oh, y'all never seen that. He said, our father, how can I call him our father if he hadn't already prepared to finish what separated me from being a son or a daughter of God? So he teaches our father our father, which art in heaven. Why? Because Jesus knew that there was about to be because of his finished work, in his declaration is degree that it is finished. He was about to open up the adoption ranks for us. I was once a string, but because he said it's finished and the debt had been paid, guess what happened? I got adopted. Are you in this room?

Speaker 6:

I don't know if you've ever felt like you were out of something, but when you get adopted to something, it just gave you a new name. You know why the Bible Calls Jesus the only begotten Son because that was about to be released. Jesus is the only big cotton, but you're a son. You're a daughter, you're a son. He's the only big cotton, but because he wants to be gotten released, a decree that it was finished you and become sons and daughters and children's and inherit whatever Christ set. That's why the Bible said, and I'm an heir of God, which means I get what my father has, but because Jesus said it's finished, I become a joint heir with Christ. You don't get it, do you? You don't want to join areas. It means when he divides up the inheritance, it goes to the children.

Speaker 2:

Somebody ought to say Amen, right there. It's one thing to be an inheritance of God, but because Jesus decreased, it's finished, finished and paid the debt, he released a decree of adoption for those who would come in alignment with the cross who would accept him as Lord and Savior, and when that happened, I got a new posture. I got a new position and I became and thereby quoting. I'm an air and a joiner and you don't even know what you're saying. You it somebody in church setting.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 6:

I'm not trying to condemn you, I'm just being honest. You quote, I'm an add on to what you're saying. You don't understand the posture and the position is established because of the decree of cheeses.

Speaker 2:

Reason so many church folk live depressed,

Speaker 7:

despondent, discouraged,

Speaker 2:

and wringing their hands and fear and anxiety is because they don't understand the finished work. The reason most of you struggle with your mind tormenting thoughts and shackling enslavement is because you don't understand his finished work because you have been taught a milk Toast Gospel that has made you feel condemned for your sin, but never gave you the power of redemption through one who paid the price. I don't condemn you for how you live. I'm trying to tell you how to live on a different plane, in a new dimension, and that's you understanding that you're going to have to decree over your life what he is already decreed over you. You're going to have to fall in alignment with what he said for you. So when you say I am healed and not sick, that his his wheel. He's not just my savior. He is my salvage. He's not just my healer. He is my healing. He's not just my deliver. He is my deliverance. If you don't speak that over your life, who will? Your posture and your perspective is maintained by your voice. You want to create movement in your life and you're tired of stagnant spirituality. You've got to learn to decree and speak over your life because there's power and creativity of movement when you speak.

Speaker 3:

Every time I come to this pulpit, I fully anticipate a move. I anticipate somebody coming out of torment, somebody coming out of sickness, somebody coming out of the enslavement of the world. Every time I open my mouth, I believe for a profit. It adds an assault to be released into the depths of the spirit that penetrates even the hardest heart and the glory resonates there, and that may be conceited to some of you and that may seem to hold off for some of you, but I am not called to be your babysitter. I am here under the anointing of the holy ghost to raise up men and women who understand air ship with Christ.

Speaker 2:

That's too heavy for you. Then you'll have to go find somebody that gives milk. This is not a milk. Sure, because God has given me a burden to witness city. I've got five declarations I'm going to make. Is that all right? If you have a piece of paper, I'd write them down. If I was you. If you don't have a piece of paper, you have to learn to bring them. If you have a phone, you open your notes notebook or your whatever on your phone, your tablets something and write these down. I'm finishing with them. I know I've got to quit. I heard Bishop jakes preached another an hour and 42 minutes the other day, so I don't feel too bad. You said, well you ain't got 7,000 showing up. Maybe that's why he's got 7,000. Excuse me for being logical. 7,000 folks showed up. He preached for an hour and 42 minutes. How do you know? Because I watched an hour and 42 minutes of it and I thought that joker because breaching an hour and 42 minutes and you know what? I sat there on the edge of my seat going, me bishop put that in my life. I didn't see no by getting up, going to the bathroom. I didn't see nobody happened to excuse themselves because they had other things to do. The house was packed and he preaches for an hour and 42 minutes and you go, well, if you preach like Jake's, I'd stay if you had people. Nevermind. I won't go there. Behave, behave, behave, had encouraged myself a moment because I just about becoming hateful. Are you ready? Five declarations I'm making today. You choose whether you want to make them or not. How many got the? The, the revelation or the understanding of what I've just laid before you? Anybody got something that you did not have in your spirit before you got into this room? Okay. That's three of you. I mean, I'm not. I'm not needing you to respond to, to, to make me feel better. I know that it'll change your life if you get hold of it. First. Declaration of this, of this house in my life. Your life I hope is a season of acceleration. A season of acceleration. You say, why are you declaring a season of acceleration? Because what we're seeing going on in our earth is moving at rapid pace. Am I right about it? How many understand that the adversarial spirits of our land are working in hyper mode? I don't believe the church can continue to operate at the same pace and be able to confront what's moving at a faster speed. Are you here? Here's what I'm believing. I'm believing for God to release an acceleration in our life. So what I'm saying to you is if you got saved last Sunday and your here, what would normally take you five years to get up to speed on we needed to accelerate to where you can get it in five months, five months into five days, five days into. Because the adversary is working in a greater magnitude than the church. It's almost as if the church has been baptized in molasses,

Speaker 6:

right? We're moving so methodically and so slow as if we're afraid to confront. I'm decreeing in this house, a spirit of acceleration over my life and over your life. I'm going to grow faster than I've ever grown. My ears are more attentive than they've ever been. My spirit is more open than it's ever been. I'm going to grow like I'm going to mature in my life. Lord, xcelerate mature and discipleship in us.

Speaker 2:

Write this down. Everything in my life is finding an appointed police. Everything in my life is finding an appointed place. When you believe God to accelerate it. It can't be haphazard. I'm going to do more, more teaching this morning that some of you have gotten your lifetime. The spirit of acceleration is not randomness. The acceleration, I believe God wants to release him. The spirit is simply. This is him being able to align everything in my life at the appointed place. How many know where your silverware is in your kitchen? How many know you don't put your silverware back with your pots and pans? No, because it has. So what an appointed.

Speaker 6:

When we decree over our life an acceleration. Then I want everything that is appointed to find this place. I don't want it random. I don't want it thrown. I want it in his appointed place because what I'm going to need to find it quick, fast in a hurry so I can utilize it for the advancement of the kingdom. How many know if I come to, if I come to your kitchen

Speaker 2:

and she says, go in there and get you a spoon process of elimination?

Speaker 7:

Nope. Nope. Nope. Vicky,

Speaker 6:

where are you? Put your spoons because if it's me, I'm saying my ice creams, Melton, Vicky

Speaker 2:

acceleration is going to require everything being in. It's an appointed place so that it can be utilized. I'm speaking to our leaders of this house. If you're not in your appointed place during the time of acceleration, we won't be able to pull you out of the drawer and plug you into the advancement because if you're out of place, we can't find you and we ain't got timed on too.

Speaker 6:

I'm preaching here because see what's happened in the church is God can accelerate anything because we're not in our place. We're wandering around trying to get in somebody else's place. You better get in the drawer God made for you. You better be there ready and you better be prepared for the acceleration clause. We ain't got time. Took a look for you. When it comes.

Speaker 2:

Do everything in my life is finding its appointed police. Everything in my life is finally gets appointed place. Why? Because I'm decreeing acceleration in my life. Second part of that, everything under my roof is moving toward blessing. I am decreeing annexed, celebration in my life. That means everything under my roof is moving toward blessing. Apparently you ain't got nobody under your roof. Apparently you don't have any kids or grandkids that are away from God. When the spirit of acceleration comes, everything under my roof must come. I'm, I'm so help me. I'm going to find me another church, so help me. Y'All shut me down on that. I will find me somebody else.

Speaker 6:

I am not going to deposit something in those who do not believe that the power of the grace of God can rescue your way. We're children. I am not going to preach the power of the cross to somebody who's wanting to negotiate with God. It's time for acceleration.

Speaker 3:

If you God will get me. Somebody clear us all out there. Maybe somebody who's got a forest to activate or the cre. You said, pastor, you're mad. You're crazy. No,

Speaker 2:

my life is disappearing. Not Younger. Growing older and every dream and every promise that God has ever spoke to me in 30 years of preaching this Gospel, I want to lay hold of it.

Speaker 3:

I won't inherit what's mine. I want the promise he gave me. I want everything he ever said. It ain't about just a little taboo too. It's about an overflow. That's what I'm pondering. Abundant move. It's about a release of an awakening. It's about the wayward in the last coming to the Kingdom of God, so I'm decreeing law. Accelerate, accelerate my devotion, accelerate my dependability, accelerate my commitment. Somebody

Speaker 2:

needed that right there. Accelerate my commitment so that I can be a part of this acceleration, putting everything in its proper place so that everything under my roof is placed. Pastor, that seems kind of conceited to say everything under your roof is blessed. Well, apparently you a read the book because everything I put my hand,

Speaker 3:

everything I put my. I guess you're gonna to come up here and let me lay hands on you and not give you his best. I guess it dabbled a little bit. It'll make me feel better. The problem with the churches, we've been going to church trying to feel better. We not been transformed. We haven't been changed. We haven't been. We haven't been introduced to the greatness of who he is because we just trying to feel better.

Speaker 2:

Come on, come on a decree. This. We're going to look. We're going to do it together. Just a moment. First ones, we're declaring a season of acceleration personally in your life. Second of all, we're going to decree. Doors are opening. Doors are opening, doors are opening, doors are opening, doors are opening. Most of you in this room have visions. Most of you have destinies. Most all of you have become absolutely captivated with your destiny. Doors are opening in my life. I don't care about you. Y'All just do your own thing. I'm gonna. Talk about me. Doors are opening in my life for me to speak apostolically and prophetically into lives. Doors are opening. Somebody's going to want to hear every prophetic word God's ever gave me. My life had nothing to do with me, but had what I read in meat to release that there was something that he was going to deposit in my spirit that I was obligated to release. That means I need you lord, to open the right doors, doors that no man can shut, nor keep shut. Open doors in my life, Lord, open doors in my life. Open doors in my life, doors to witness doors to evangelize. You say, well, I want doors to prosper. Well, that's wonderful. If you'll use the proceeds to help preach, God's not obligated to prosper you without an obligation to help you preach. Write this down underneath doors opening. Everything I need is moving in my direction. Everything I need is moving in my direction. Everything I need is moving in my direction. Oh, how would you live in your posture and your perspective of everything you need was moving your way. Everything I need is moving my way. Everything I need is moving toward me. Everything I need to accomplish what he asked me to accomplish as moving my way. Everything you need is moving toward you. Second thing you need to write underneath, there's this, everything that needs to go must go and everything that needs to come must come. Are you here? Lord opened doors for me. Good. Everything that needs to go from my life must go. Everything that needs to come into my life must come. How many understand for him to open doors? There are some things you're going to have to let go off and some things you're going to have to get a hold of. Everything that needs to go must go and everything that needs to come must come. You know why you're here, Dennis, I'll tell you because I asked God, I ask God to send someone to this house who had gifts and aptitude, submission, willingness, desire, passion, and thought. Outside of Mirena, Dennis, I hate to embarrass you. How old are you, sir? Sixty two young man, young man. Sixty two comes in here at 62 because I asked God to give us something to help us do what God mandated us to do without putting restrictions on his gift and as 62, he walks in here and starts tweaking and turning. Next thing I know, I don't even know what this stuff is.

Speaker 6:

Y'All follow me? I don't know what this stuff is. I don't know. I don't know how it works. All I did was drill holes. A drilled four holes. Yeah, because I asked God to do something for us who opens a door for him and then he comes in here and doing stuff. I don't know what he's doing.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Because when you make a decree and you release it and movement comes, you don't judge how the move.

Speaker 2:

Well, pastor, I want to be in control of my acceleration and my doors. Well, you will sit around with nothing because when you decree something to be released in movements, you don't get to control. That's why you gotta learn to let go of what needs to let go so that you don't hinder what God send in and you need to say come what needs to come because what's comments won't help you be better?

Speaker 6:

Sixty two,

Speaker 2:

you'd think a 20 year old and have that kind of stuff in his spirit. Most of you don't know how it works either,

Speaker 5:

so I don't care

Speaker 2:

because it's your gift. I'll tell him how to do lights. You don't tell me how to preach. I'll tell tyler how to lead worship. I'll tell you how to run prayer shield. I'll tell our staff how to micromanage everything. We're in a spirit of acceleration. God's gonna put everything in its place and we're going to let him run it and when he runs it, he's going to open doors and when he opens doors, we're going to step into them because we're not gonna have any preconceived ideas of what we think they should be.

Speaker 6:

Do you understand? God's going to open up something over this house. We're already preaching the Gospel in 36 days. Why can't we preach it in 50? I'll tell you why we can't preach it in 50 because I'm going to have to keep decreeing the spirit of generosity and the spirit of volunteerism because every level requires more money and more people create movement,

Speaker 2:

but when movement comes, don't sit back and try to restrict it. I got to finish. I got to finish about on Jake's his time limit. Now. Praise the Lord. Y'All know what? Nowhere though y'all still with me, right? Number three. I got five and I'm going to give all five because you ain't going home halfway. What's number one right decreeing a season of acceleration or number two? Wonderful. Number three, we're going to decree wisdom over our life. Why do I need wisdom? Because if you don't have knowledge and understanding of the acceleration in the season you're in, you will miss manage them. That's what I'm trying to say with Dennis. I can mismanage tennis and I could put handcuffs on him and say, don't do nothing. I didn't know what a haze machine was. I heard you said it was pretty cool. Last one looked like the glory cloud to come in here. Didn't it? Was that what was cool, man? It looked like a glory cloud who was an accident, but still. I don't know what that stuff was. I didn't even know the benefit of it. Most of you don't either. I didn't know nobody's doing this stuff. I don't know. I'm going to preach the gospel. That's my job. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding. Most of you are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. Hosea four, six, my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. Why? Because we don't submit to supernatural impartation of wisdom. When's the last time you decreed over your life? You're smarter than you've ever been.

Speaker 6:

I'm not defined by my education. I'm not defined by the papers on my wall. I'm dividing by the wisdom of God that is released to the spirit that I articulated in the natural most everything I ever learned in my life. I didn't learn in seminary I didn't learn in college. I learned in life and I learned in the Holy Ghost how to pray my way through what I didn't understand, until I got a wisdom that gave me the courage to do what I didn't know how to do and thank God when I first went to my password at 21, pat prayed that I'd have wisdom.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if pets, I guess Pat Alive. She was my Catholic nun, spirit filled Catholic nun for that matter. You know, God's got a great sense of humor when it gives you your first church. Well, my first church members was a Catholic nun, so I understand Catholic nun, she didn't wear the pink one suit or none. She done. Been out of that for awhile, but did I say something inappropriate? What? Well, she didn't know she was of field tongue talking, fire baptized. I'm a 21 year old pastor and every day she prayed over me. Lord, Give Ryan wisdom beyond his years, her prayers are still availing. Her prayers were still availing because she decreed over my life. Wisdom, wisdom to do, watch, ride, wisdom, to do what's right when it's hard, wisdom to do what's right.

Speaker 6:

Because see, when you are allowed a decree of wisdom to come into your life, he'll move you out of one dimension of understanding, into dimension of the spirit. Well, you'll see beyond what your eye sees and you'll see into the depths of the arena that glory of God and see how he's working.

Speaker 2:

How many in this room right now need wisdom to understand your time and your season? The Bible says the children are the sons of hr had discernment of the Times and the seasons. They knew what God was wanting them to do. We need wisdom. Number four. Here we go. Second Chances, because we're living in a generation right now that needs a second chance. If five stones is not willing to decrease second chances than we have just limited our harvest. I'm talking about decreeing second chances over this community. Second chances over this region, second chances over this state and over this nation. How many know when he said it's finished? He just qualified a second chance. Oh, help me. Jesus. Second Chances. How many's got family that need a second chance? And what do you want us to decree? Oh, you'd like for us to decrease second chances. Why? Because you don't want any of your family to parish. When's the last time the church made a decree that we decreased second chances over our nation? Second chances over our subdivision, our family, our friends, our neighbors. When's the last time we took this word and said, look, we understand they failed. We understand they fallen short. They prematurely made some mistakes, but we decree second chances, so you second chances is not about judgment. Second Chances, it's about grace. So for us to decrease second, you're going to have to come off your soap box of condemnation. You're going to listen to me. Listen, listen, listen. You're going to have to come off your high horse, a pointing your finger at everybody that don't do it the way you did it and point your finger at them going, that ain't right, and you're going to have to prophesy and decrease second chances without strings attached. Oh, that didn't go over well. I could feel your resistance. Some of them need second chances. They need to start again. I don't know how and I don't know when, but I'm going to declare and decree second chances over your family and they may get saved in somebody else's church and they may go to somebody else's ministry, but if they're say, what are you going to argue about, right? I mean, what are you really going to fight about? Well, I want them in here with me acting like you. Am I. All right, number five, I'm done. Number five, now we're going to stand together and make these decrees. Is that all right? Number five has everything to do with finance. Number One's a season of acceleration. Number Two's doors are opening. Number three is is supernatural or divine wisdom number for a second chances, and number five decree for this house is finances. I'm going to say something to you right now. Favor is going to find you. I'm going to say it for me. I don't want him about your favorites. Go find my life favors going to find my life. In fact, I'm going to go so far and prophesied over this over my own life. God's going to speak my name to people that don't know who I am. Huh? I said God's going to speak my name to people that don't even know who I am. They're going to pick up the phone and not even know why they're going to pick up the phone and go, who were you? Well, I, I'm walking into crazy faith right now. I'm waiting for God to just move on people's heart. Every time I go to the door, every time the doorbell rings over here, every time that doorbell rings and I walk, I said, God is somebody coming with a check.

Speaker 6:

Oh, you don't go to your mailbox with the same face. Why? Because I believe that when he begins to accelerate things and he begins to release things, proceeds there's favor, there's things coming. Why? Because he doesn't want us incarcerated with any debt. My debts are canceled. Beno all paid yet, but I'm canceling them.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I bored you today. Hate that you wasted your term on Sunday morning and driving over here at 1358, six. His role,

Speaker 5:

I hate it.

Speaker 2:

Just live in poverty. Then

Speaker 3:

barely get by if you want. There's some of us going to make decrees over our finances. The things are going to change, not just not just so I can accumulate wealth. That's never been the motivation as well. That's never been the accumulation. The accumulation of wealth is all about your pride and ain't got nothing to do with that. I want something so I can release something. I want something in my life that brings glory to his kingdom. I want to be able to write the biggest checks I've ever rode in my life. I want to be able to come to an altar with a shout that embarrass issue shoe because of the favor of God in my life. I want her to write checks has got more to see rows on it then you've ever seen in your life. Why? Because I want God to get glory and Honda and I want to be able to help preach the gospel from south Sudan to the other ends of the world. Let's stand together all across this house.

Speaker 2:

I know I've taken a long time and I apologize. I know when I study a lot and put a lot in it. Gonna take me a while to get it all out, but if this was my last sermon, which very well could be. Well, I'm not guaranteed tomorrow neither you so don't act like that. I got today. I got today and God forbid I want to stand before him giving you a. A Little Dab will do you on Sunday morning. See, I preach as if I had to stand before me, if I had to stand before him today, sir. And he goes, well, pastor, you only priest about 20 minutes and you didn't them give them the meat of the word. I'd rather stand before the Lord and go, you gave him everything. You had more. That's what I want. I want them. If it's my last sermon, I fall. Like I said, I want him to go, man, son, you dumped it all on him, didn't you?

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry. That's just how I approach this thing. See, I'm not hearing one dimension only.

Speaker 2:

I'm not standing before you just representing one dimension. Yes, I am here, but I am representing a higher authority. I'm standing here under the authority of this book and we're going to make them decrease. If you don't want to make a decree, then you're going to be quiet. Because decrees are verbal. The they are verbal. Articulated words. When Jesus sent his how many? No, we didn't meditate on it. He spoke it. In fact, can I mess with you? The Bible said he got a drink so he could say it. Y'All didn't hear me. He got a drink so we could say it. He said, I'm so dehydrated, so exhausted, so beat down. He said, it's like my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth, but got something I got to say because it decree creates movement and they gave him a drink even though it wasn't the kind of drink he needed. It moistened his lips enough to say it is finished. You said, well, you could have died and not set it. See, God had beginning, had begun since the beginning of time to make movement out of speech. God's always been to a decreeing God, a God who proclaims a thing. If you're in this room right now and you said, well, I don't understand what you've taught today, go back online and listen to it about three more times. Maybe you'll get this, but you've got to change your confession over you. Every one of these pieces of paper up here, prayer needs and family needs and and and things that we've been praying over for miracle healing and victory. What do you think they want us to do? I guess we ought to just look at it and pray a little soft job. Twenty two, 28. He said declare a thing and it will be established unto you. I got pastors that that that asked me for counsel all the time. You know what I sent him this morning. I send everyone on the text message. Here's what I sent them. I sent them job 22, 28, declare a thing and he will establish it under you declare a thing and he'll establish it under you. Declare a thing and he'll establish it unto you. You ever thought about that? Declare a thing. That means it's not even defined what it is, but it's going to create movement. We're going to make five decrees. We're gonna make them together and I don't want it to be religious. That's not what I want. I don't want it to be a repetition either. I want it to be something where it comes from your spirit. Can you find that place? Can you find that place today where where you take a posture and a perspective and understand that what your decreeing today it's called move mountains. Resurrect dry bones, rebuild, broke down walls that what you say today may set in motion everything you've been dreaming and believing God for. What if today's the day that favor comes in your life? What if today's the day that he releases something that you've been waiting for? You don't mean? People have come to me over 30 years and said, pastor, if you pray for this, I vow, I'll do something to God and then God does it for them and they don't do anything. You know how much money is owed the ministry? Yeah, much money monies owed the ministry over 30 years were they

Speaker 4:

said, hey, if you pray, I'll do this. God did it and they did nothing.

Speaker 2:

Z, I'm decreeing everything that was supposed to come. It's going to find me. It may be 30 years, 20 years, 15 years, five years where they made the plants or the promise, but I'm telling you everything that, that, that was promised to should come into my life. I'm telling you right now, everything that's been holding it back, it's got to move because he has coming into my life and when it comes into my life, don't you judge me?

Speaker 4:

How about this? When it comes into your life? Huh? What about that stuff that's been held out on you? What about that stuff God's promised you? One of it begins to come into your life and flood your life and overcome you.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to shout with you because our stuff's coming back.

Speaker 4:

Y'All ready?

Speaker 2:

We're going to do this together. Can we? And I'm going to do it somewhat. Repetitiously

Speaker 4:

first decree. I decree alright, we're going to try that again. I decree a season of acceleration. Everything in my life is finding its way to the appointed place. Everyone under my roof under my roof is moving toward blessing. Somebody give him praise. If you believe for your season of acceleration,

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Every time you think about your children, they're moving the blessing. Every time you think about your grandchildren, they're moving toward blessing. Every time you think about it in your life, every appointed thing is finding its place. Number two, I decree, doors are opening. Everything I need is moving in my direction. Everything that needs to go must go. Everything that needs to come is coming in Jesus name. Oh

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No. Mr Murray, I decree supernatural wisdom, knowledge, understanding up the times, and the seasons are from me.

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No more wondering, no more questioning to understand times, seasons with a spirit of discernment. Number four,

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this is for our community, for our neighborhood, for subdivisions, for your family, my family, for this nation.

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We decree second chances. We're going to say it again. We decree second chances. We will not judge nor condemn. Make God's grace prevail. In Jesus' name. Lord, we speak a second chance

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we will not judge, will not, can not look down on our neighborhood. We called them to repentance in Jesus' name.

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Number five, we're finished. I decree financial provision in my life. We're going to say it again. I decree financial provision in my life. Saver

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is finding a saver is fine. Oh, you didn't say it is. Finding me. Saver is finding saver is finding me.

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Touch your neighbor and say, because it's finished. We when touch your other neighbor because it's finished. We, when y'all come on, release it now.

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Five Stones Church. Thanks you for listening to this message from Pastor Ryan Smith. For more information, events and the latest news, consider connecting with us on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Together we can awaken a generation.